Mission & Vision
NADVS provides peer to peer support for survivors of domestic violence in honor of the value, dignity, and worth inherent in every survivor. As we stand in solidarity, firmly rooted in both personal strength and collective power, we work to create a world where survivors are safe, believed, respected, and empowered to lead.
We are survivors who lead standing in our individual power and collective solidarity.
We envision that women who are victims and survivors of abuse feel supported and are treated as the experts in their own safety, their own lives, and as leaders in the movement to end domestic abuse.
We are each survivors of abuse who have the lived experience and who know what it means to have lived through the trauma that comes with our experience. Being Survivor-led and made up - We treat others with respect of that identity and center their leadership and voice. We do not re-traumatize with controlling power structures. We use supportive power structures that elevate your uniqueness.
We turn power dynamics from top down to: decentralized, shared, community-based collaboration, and collective voice and power sharing. Let’s hear from survivor-based ideas, organizations, and leaders, and let’s learn from one another and share our knowledge. Powersharing. We don’t have to do things alone. Innovative. Collaboration allows for innovation and creative ideas.
We believe that people flourish when they have choice over their own lives and agency. We must actively create structures and culture within our own organization that models non-oppressive structures and support choice for all survivors. Non-oppressive. We center those most impacted, and learn from those most impacted. Respecting individual stories and experiences.
We are survivors who show up in our work as our whole selves. We are able to be authentic, messy, and hold multiple identities that break outside of what society says is the “norm.” Those boxes perpetuate abuse, and we need each survivor to be themselves to move our work forward.
We recognize that abuse and violence cannot be prevented or stopped if we only see it as a single issue. We see that our culture(s) perpetuates abuse with false belief systems that accept abuse, and faults victims with victim-blaming language and behavior. We can change the culture by being the change we want to see and helping folks see the intersectionality of the issues like racism, homophobia, islamphobia.
We believe in community and community healing. When people have a sense of belonging it empowers them to grow, to lead, and to have a place for their voice, their identity, and their personal power to be valued as a whole. This is in direct opposition to the isolation and single individual power source dynamic of abuse.
Community is about inclusion.